Please note that images in this gallery are only added or updated
on an occasional basis, work-load and clients permitting.

Some of these photographs represent the changing face of Coventry, large areas of which are brushed aside to make
way for someones idea of futuristic development. Sometimes these developments work, sometimes they don't.
All too often these buildings dissapear without a record of their existance but hopefully some of these photos
may help us remember how our city used to be (both good and bad!). If anyone would like to add their own, please get in touch.

All photographs are presented "as taken" and we apologise for poor quality images taken with early digital cameras.
If you would like a copy of one of our images, please contact us via our main web-site for pricing details,
or if you require further information on these images kindly call or email us.

To learn a great deal more about Coventry's wonderful history, please take a few minutes (or hours!) to visit
Rob Orland's outstanding site Historic Coventry for a truly remarkable tour back in time through the ages.
We guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Coventry Theatre
Exact Date Unknown

Lower Precinct
Exact Date Unknown

Pheonix Initiative
August 2003

Heritage Weekend
September 2003

November 2004

Kingfield Road
December 2004

Hill Street Dig
September 2005

Yoko Ono Visit
October 2005

Sir Henry Parkes School
January 2006

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