How do I join Finham Neighbourhood Watch?

If you live within the Finham (and surrounding) area, joining FinhamNW could not be simpler. It's FREE and is as easy as sending an email. Our membership has increased THREE TIMES what it was 2 years ago.

We have lots of groups, generally consisting of between approx 6 up to 30 houses, all simply looking out for each other and caring about their community.

If you think you could play a part in helping our community by joining NW then please get in touch today. It takes up no time at all, and if you don't have a scheme in your road, why not speak to a few of your neighbours and start one? We provide as much assistance as you need and are there offering advice and support all the way!

Should you live outside the greater Finham area or wish to contact the Coventry Police Engagement Officer directly, you can do so by emailing:

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