Reporting Crime.

If you believe a crime is about to happen or are witnessing a crime in progress or find yourself in an EMERGENCY situation then ALWAYS call...

For anything else (a crime that occurred overnight for instance or to report suspicious activity or anti social behaviour) call...

- OR - you can report crime using the new West Midlands Police web portal which can be found here: West Midlands Police and now includes LiveChat (8am - Midnight)

To report crime anonymously you can phone Crimestoppers...

However you report crime, you should ALWAYS be given a Reference number in one of three formats...

IR-22AB123 - This is an Incident Report number and will be provided if you complete an online form and should be followed up with one of the following once assessed by a human operative...

1234-010323 - This is LOG REFERENCE and is generally provided if/when your call has been handled by a human operative, either via a 101 call or a LiveChat session. Again, if you are reporting a crime it should be followed with a Crime Reference once it has been assessed.

20/123456/23 - (or may end in /22) This is a CRIME REFERENCE and should always be provided if you are reporting any sort of criminal activity, either at the time of your call or shortly afterwards. If you do not receive one, PLEASE ASK FOR ONE.